My main goal in creating the Entrance To The Caves was to imbue the model with mood. Ideas for a miniature epic tale were taking shape in my mind and I wanted to tell the story by building several key scenes and then, like a real legend, leaving the lesser parts to the imagination of the listeners...
From a building standpoint I had long dreamed of building an eerie deserted mine and the required facade combined so readily with a waterfall and bridge I had mentally drawn out earlier that the whole model seemed to snap into place...
The starting point:
Later on I conceived of the abandoned interior. It offered the perfect opportunity for my new rafter design and nicely finished the MOC from the rear perspective. The rear opening also lent itself to showing off most of the vital characters and even hinting at future events through their 'body' language. The whole model came together so nicely that even I still look at it from time to time...

Entrance to the Caves

Entrance to the Caves 1 Entrance to the Caves 19 Entrance to the Caves 14 Entrance to the Caves 6 Entrance to the Caves 17